This Web site (the “Site”) is produced by TrustVector.
At TrustVector, we are committed to protecting your privacy. Our respect for your privacy begins with addressing your concerns about how the personal information we collect on our Web site is used. Personal information refers to any information that is provided to our company that may be used to identify an individual such as a first and last name, a home or other physical address, a telephone number or an e-mail address or any information that uniquely identifies the individual.
When you browse or download information from our Site, we gather some information about your visit. TrustVector does not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. We automatically collect the following information each time you visit:
The Internet Protocol (IP) Address and domain name used. The IP Address is a numerical identifier assigned either to your Internet service provider or directly to your computer. The IP Address helps us direct Internet traffic to you.
The type of browser and operating system you used.
The date and time you visited this Site.
The Internet pages you visited at this Site, along with file names and sizes.
Keywords entered into our search engine.
Some TrustVector applications use “cookies” to better serve our users. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer by your web browser. These text files store information pertaining to the website that stored them. TrustVector uses cookies to temporarily store a small amount of account information and settings. Cookies do not contain personally identifying information and do not affect your privacy or security. You may be able to set your browser to notify you when cookies are sent to your system and decide whether or not to accept them. There are cases where you will not be able to use all the information when you do not accept the cookies.
If you send an e-mail, subscribe to e-mail newsletters, participate in an online survey, or provide other information using our Site, the following may also be collected:
Your e-mail address and contents of your e-mail message (including attachments and signature blocks).
Contact information (address, telephone).
Organization that you represent.
Information volunteered in response to a survey.
Information volunteered through an on-line form for any other purpose.
We appreciate any comments regarding our Site or company. Please know that when you send us feedback, suggestions or any communications, we may publish and/or distribute this information at a future time. For example, we may share your comments with our team members or publish them in customer-information materials.
The information collected is not limited to text characters and may include audio, video and graphic information formats you send us. We use your e-mail address to answer your questions, address your concerns, or forward to someone else for a response. Survey information is used for much the same purposes.
Protecting the privacy of children is very important to us. For that reason, the Site does not solicit, collect, or maintain personally identifiable information from users we actually know are under age 13.
TrustVector makes every effort to ensure that your personal information is protected by using current technology to protect any personal information provided through our Site. Nonetheless, because the Site is connected to the Internet, the information systems and the communication cannot be fully secured against unauthorized penetration by unauthorized entities. A user giving details that are required in order to receive the services must take this fact into account before giving such details.
Thank you for reading our Privacy Notice. This notice applies ONLY to information collected or provided when visiting our public website or using e-mail and does not cover information TrustVector collects in other ways.
This “Privacy Policy” may be changed by our company at any time. In this case it will have effect when posted on our company website.
Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please contact us.